Transformer-Based OCR

As you probably already know, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine-encoded text. The source can be a scanned document, a photo of a document, or a subtitle text imposed on an image. OCR converts such sources into machine-readable text. Let’s understand how anContinue reading “Transformer-Based OCR”

Ask Infrrd #1: Effective OCR Partner for Mortgage

Recently, Infrrd launched Infrrd for Mortgage, an AI-led intelligent document processing (IDP) solution specifically designed for the mortgage industry. Our announcement generated a lot of interest from mortgage providers of all sizes and led to a number of interesting conversations. Through these conversations, we discovered quite a few repetitive questions. These seem to be the commonContinue reading “Ask Infrrd #1: Effective OCR Partner for Mortgage”

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