Infrrd Cited in Two Recent Gartner Hype Cycle Reports

Recently, Gartner released two reports citing the importance of IDP in business process improvement, and guess what, Infrrd was listed as a sample vendor in both reports. The reports cite the importance of IDP’s role in creating operational efficiencies and enabling hyper-automation. Read Press Release

Using Alerts To Gain Efficiency For Document Processing

How do alerts make repetitive processes efficient? Let’s for a moment consider the job of a supervisor level in a manufacturing plant. And, this person’s responsibility is to monitor the temperature gauge in the boiler and ensure that the temperature does not rise above 300 degrees. There are two ways to do this job: oneContinue reading “Using Alerts To Gain Efficiency For Document Processing”

100% Accuracy and the (Hard) Choice Between Automation and Manual Document Processing

During an interaction with an industry leader about his experience with IDP, said he had recently decided to automate his document extraction process because of the challenges faced with data inaccuracy and cost. He said their IDP platform currently provided 90 to 95% accuracy. He added that a manual team handled the remaining 5% toContinue reading “100% Accuracy and the (Hard) Choice Between Automation and Manual Document Processing”

Learning from similarity and information extraction from structured documents

It is a human tendency to formulate assumptions while analyzing the difficulty of information extraction in documents. We automatically assume it is easier to extract information in the form of named entities from a set of similar documents. Nonetheless, similar-looking documents have a distinct set of problems. The named entities in these document types varyContinue reading “Learning from similarity and information extraction from structured documents”

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