Ask Infrrd #2: Why Are There So Few Successful Mortgage OCR Solutions?

Welcome to the second post in the Ask Infrrd series – your platform to have an honest, candid conversation about everything related to document data extraction. In this series we answer frequently-asked questions for our IDP experts or that we receive at Here, we answer another question about Mortgage processing. Q: Why are many mortgageContinue reading “Ask Infrrd #2: Why Are There So Few Successful Mortgage OCR Solutions?”

How to Use Repeatability to Gain 120% Data Processing Efficiency

This past month, the Infrrd team collaborated with our client, a large financial institution that has a team of about 100 people extracting data from documents manually. This customer processes a huge variety of documents from numerous sources that do not have any fixed format. Every document from every provider comes with its own unique layoutContinue reading “How to Use Repeatability to Gain 120% Data Processing Efficiency”

Infrrd’s IDP enables partner innovation

Infrrd believes that a good partnership is designed to create high value for our customers, benefit both partners, and achieve a significant and meaningful business case for both partners. Infrrd’s best-in-class intelligent document processing (IDP) helps partners build out their capabilities and deftly navigate a rapidly changing technology landscape. Infrrd  has developed connectors to partner platforms and establishedContinue reading “Infrrd’s IDP enables partner innovation”

IDP is built on an AI-native platform

An AI-native platform will deliver the highest extraction accuracy across a broader set of documents. It also helps ensure the AI technology works and can be maintained, as well as optimized, in an enterprise operational environment. You’ll automate more, have higher process performance, and reduce processing costs. Originally published at

Ready to get moving on your automation journey?

Manual data entry and OCR are costing you time and money. There’s a better way to get where you want to go, no matter what type of content you have. Take the ROI ride of a lifetime with Infrrd.  #intelligentautomation #mlocr #intelligentdocumentprocessing #processimprovement

Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

We’re excited about 2021 – about the new partnerships we’re putting in place, and the ways we can make our machine learning and proprietary technology available to a broader customer base. And we’re excited to work with our customers to help them move past barriers that kept them stuck in legacy ways to get work done. OurContinue reading “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”

Nidhi named to Forbes India’s list of 100 Great People Managers

Infrrd’s Nidhi Bhardwaj has been named one of Forbes India’s 100 Great People Managers. Selected in a study by the Great Manager Institute from 6,334 managers across 1,158 organizations after four rounds and a year-long evaluation, she says she’s honored to be recognized for the work she and her team have put in. “We are not perfect,Continue reading “Nidhi named to Forbes India’s list of 100 Great People Managers”

There is No Substitute for Real IDP

Machine learning can make all the difference when it comes to improving business outcomes and reducing costs. These days, most serious Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendors use machine learning somewhere in their products to generate maximum accuracy and efficiency. But that’s not enough. More than just having machine learning capabilities, the magic comes from how — andContinue reading “There is No Substitute for Real IDP”

The Infrrd Playbook is Your Roadmap To Solve It

Complex document extraction problems are getting in the way of your progress. You want to execute your business processes with digital efficiency, but you’re stuck because you don’t have the right technology. And it’s actually about more than just the technology. To create a lasting business impact, you also need a plan. That’s where ourContinue reading “The Infrrd Playbook is Your Roadmap To Solve It”

Infrrd’s 100% accuracy guarantee

Infrrd is thrilled to announce the industry’s first and only 100% accuracy guarantee for its #IntelligentDocumentProcessing solution! You’ll achieve a 100% accuracy rate using Infrrd to extract data from your documents. We’re taking Intelligent Document Processing to a level no one thought possible. Stop guessing what the accuracy will be from an IDP solution.  InfrrdContinue reading “Infrrd’s 100% accuracy guarantee”

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